Saturday, January 21, 2017

Some things from early 2016

In the process of moving some old boxes I FINALLY found my little point and shoot camera.  Here are some pictures I did last spring.

11 x 14 Oil on canvas panel

This little painting I used more of a dabbing motion with my brush on parts of the painting.  I was trying to get more of a pixelated look in places such as the ground and the trees.

11 x 14 Oil on canvas panel

Looking at it now that red really pops.  Sold this one at one of our art shows

11 x 14 Oil on canvas

Painting of a lake using green as a color scheme instead of the usual colors I tend to lean towards.  I sold this one almost as soon as it was done.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Grandma's Old School

Oil on canvas, 16x20

I painted this on Thanksgiving of 2016 while spending the holiday at my grandparents.  Grandpa (who is also an artist) let me use his art supplies and I picked a random photo he had sitting next to his easel.  I didn't realize until I had done a lot of work and my grandma had walked into grandpa's studio that the building in the picture is where she went to school.