Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Recent stuff

Here are a few things I've done recently.

"Balloon over lake" 16 x 20 Oil on canvas.

"Red and yellow landscape" 8 x 10 Oil

"Deer silhouette"  8 x 10 Oil.  There was a mate to this that was done in the Red, Yellow, Orange color theme.  My uncle got it.

'Rooster" 16 x 20.  An artist I know that used to work near at the Cookeville flea market paints alot of chickens and roosters, she inspired me to do this.

"Snow scene"  8 x 10 Oil.  Inspired by one of my Grandpa's paintings.

"Lake at night" 8 x 10 Oil

"Cardinal" 8 x 10 Oil

"Orange and yellow lake" 8 x 10 oil.

"Blue and purple lake" 8 x 10 Oil

"Barn in autumn" 8 x 10 Oil.  Been working on my Autumn colors.

"Lakescape" 8 x 10 oil. I started this painting off looking at a picture of a tropical scene.

"Daffodil"  8 x 10 Oil

"A horse of course" 8 x10 oil.

"Lake at night" 8 x 10 oil

"Lake at night" 11 x 14 Oil

"Barn" 11 x 14 Oil

"Snowy lake" 8 x 10 Oil

"Kissin' cardinals" 16 x 20 Oil.  This was inspired by an article I read, it said that male cardinals will feed the female cardinals, especially during courtship.  It's said they look like they're kissing.

I'm still around!

Im still around!  I havent uploaded anything in over a year but i'm still here and painting.  For about a year now I've been helping out with my family business learning the in and outs of it.  Me, my father, and my grandfather are all artists so they've been teaching me a few things

Also I just got back from the working the Kentucky state fair were we sold family art work.  I'm glad so many people took such an interest in my work.

Anyways, here are a couple of things I painted recently.  More to come!

"Cigarette Man"  Oil 16x20 on canvas.  I have no idea what inspired me to paint this.  I was sitting in front of the easel thinking to myself "I wanna paint something different"....and this is what happened.  People who are used to the landscape work I do just stare at it with a confused look on there face.

"Church"  16 x 20 Oil on canvas.  Another Landscape, I put small yellow flowers in the fore ground to give it a little more color.  Also hay bales...everyone wants hay bales.